Our Story
CHI-GURGAON. California Hypnosis Institute Gurgaon, is a group of Empowered beings, committed to spread the Light of Empowerment through Forums, Workshops, Media, Awareness, Talks, Classrooms, Trainings, with a combination of disciplines like, Self Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, Transpersonal Regression, Theta Healing, Fertility Consultancy, HypnoBirthing, Aura Imaging, etc. They are taking the light far and wide.
Our Mission
Help as many people as possible to become aware of the major Energetic Dimensional Shift that we are undergoing. Make the transition from the current Third Dimension to the higher level society in the New World in the Fourth Dimension.
Teach the latest techniques of Mind, Body, & Soul healing using the integrated approach with Hypnotherapy, Regression Therapy, Energy Healing, Crystal therapy, and Spirit Communications.
Teach these techniques worldwide to all persons willing to learn them, irrespective of their formal educational background, by recognizing the inherent intelligence of the subconscious mind and the human soul.
Help people realize the integrated nature of the human beings, and the Oneness of the physical and the spiritual worlds. Guide them in the DNA activations necessary to achieve this Oneness, and the transition.
Raise awareness of the Mind as the ultimate creator, and the ultimate healer for all kinds of diseases, problems and challenges in life. Raise your Vibration Frequency from 7 Mghz to 11 Mghz to be aligned with the Universe.
Founder of CHI-Gurgaon

Dr. Sunil Prakash
M.B.A, H. B., C.C.Ht., P.L.T, R.Ht., GQHP
He is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Trainer of Clinical Hypnotherapy from National Guild of Hypnotist (NGH) Inc. USA, International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (IMDHA), International Association of Counselors & Therapist (IACT) -USA, California Hypnosis Institute (CHI) – USA, Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) -USA and registered practitioner of Hypnotherapy with General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR-UK), Executive Training Provider from International Practitioner of Holistic Medicines (IPHM) - UK and IBAM, Kolkata and Accredited Holistic Practitioner & Training Provider with International Compliance Assurance for Holistic Practitioners (ICAHP) .
Author of
The Soul Game
The Mental Vault
Life is Naughty after 40
Die Empty and Die Enriched
Workshop on "The Karmic Cycle" at Hypno Expo 2024 at IMDHA- USA.
Lecturer on "Inner Child Healing" at Hypno Expo 2024 at IMDHA-USA
Workshop on "The Karmic Cycle – Reincarnation Theory" at 2024 NGH Convention.

Master of Business Administration - FMS, Delhi
Foundation Graduate and a Certified Hypnotist. AHA, USA
Professional Hypnotherapy Certification Program from HMI USA
Certified TRAINER for all Levels of Hypnotherapy from IMDHA USA
Certified TRAINER for all Levels of Hypnotherapy from IACT USA
Executive Training Provider for all Levels of Hypnotherapy from IPHM UK
Registered Practitioner and Training provider with ICAHP
Registered practitioner of Hypnotherapy with General Hypnotherapy Register GHR UK.
Certified TRAINER for all Levels of Hypnotherapy from CHI USA.
Certified TRAINER for Theta Healing from THINK, USA
Bio Field Energy (Aura/Chakra) Imaging & Interpretation
Past Life Regression Therapist
Transpersonal Regression - Tasso Institute, Netherlands
Foreign Energy Dynamics
Fertility Therapist - HypnoBirthing Institute, USA.
HypnoBirthing - HypnoBirthing Institute, USA
American Hypnosis Association (AHA), USA
California Hypnosis Institute, USA
International Medical & Dental Hypnosis Association (IMDHA), USA
International Association of Counsellors & Therapists (IACT), USA
National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) US
Accredited Recognised Training Provider from IPHM UK
General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC), UK
International Compliance Assurance for Holistic Practitioners (ICAHP)
Area of Activity
Trainer & Consultant to Corporates, Institutes, Schools and Individuals for , Career planning, Memory enhancement, Self Empowerment for Stress, anger, anxiety, fear, phobia, relationship, pains, substance abuse, habits, low self esteem, pre & post marriage syndromes, Marriage Alliance analysis and more.
Fertility Consultancy
Biofield Energy (Aura / Chakra) Imaging, Interpretation, Consultancy and software sale.